Engagement Photography Session in Snowy Winter Central Park

As New Yorkers we sometimes get caught up in all the reasons to hate winter; the sidewalks are narrow and slushy, intersections become frozen dirty swamps of unknown depth, and braving the icy steps to the subway feels like the ultimate test of bravery and balance. 

That said, there’s nothing more magical than the feel of that first snowfall in the city - before the white turns to gray and when the idea of building a snowman is still a bucolic possibility in our minds. 

There's also nothing more magical than taking advantage of that early snowfall for an engagement shoot in Central Park. 

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Brooklyn Bridge Park Family Photography Mini Session June 2017

Early June is a great time for family photography mini sessions in Brooklyn Bridge Park since it's usually nice weather but not too hot yet!

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Brooklyn Bridge Park Family Photography Mini Sessions - April 2017

Picture-perfect spring day with bluebird skies for these family photography mini sessions in Brooklyn Bridge Park!

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Brooklyn Bridge Park Family Photography Mini Sessions - April 2017

We kicked off our spring family photography mini sessions in Brooklyn Bridge park with this great family of almost-four in April!

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